NAV Navbar


version time content
initial version


Communication Protocol

HTTPS Protocol.


The request and response data code for all interfaces is formatted according to UTF-8. Content for responses in all interfaces is formatted according to JSON.

API Request Structure

Name Description Notes
API Address Address for API interface Eg.
Public Parameters Universal parameters for all interfaces
Private Parameter Special parameters for each interface See each API interface description for details

API hosts (production)

API hosts (beta)

Public Parameters

Public parameters are used for interface authentication. Unless otherwise necessary, these parameters will be omitted for each interface. Each request must contain these parameters unless stated otherwise.

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
X-MatrixPort-Access-Key string Y 32 Access-Key given to users is contained within the http header.
X-MatrixPort-Access-Signature string Y - Request signature is used to authorize the legitimacy of the request. Contained within the http header.
timestamp int64 Y - Millisecond timestamp is contained within the http query param or body.
language-type int Y - Language type within the interface will return according to: 0=CN, 1=EN, 2= RU
x-request-id string N - Globally unique trace id, used for tracing requests

Response Format Strings

All interface response values are formatted according to JSON. Unless otherwise stated, all request return values contain the following text strings:

Parameter Name Type Description
code int Interface call status, (ie. error code): 0: Normal, Others: Call error.
message string Error message is description of API errors
data object Results will return as defined by each interface


please refer to this link

Structure API

Index Price

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
base string Y Base currency, eg BTC
quote string Y Quote currency, eg USDC
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "index_price": "20000"
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
index_price string Index price in string format

User Available Balance

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
currency string Y Currency
amount int N Amount Number of Currency
payment_method int Y Payment Method: 0:Balance, 1:Cashier
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "available_balance": "100",
    "payment_method": 1
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
available_balance string Available balance in string format
payment_method int Payment method: 0 balance, 1 cashier

Payment Combination

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
currency string Y Currency
amount int N Amount Number of Currency
payment_method int Y Payment Method: 0:Balance, 1:Cashier
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "total": "100",
    "pay_list": [
        "pay_channel": "balance",
        "total_available_amount": "100",
        "should_sub_amount": "0"
        "pay_channel": "flexi_saving",
        "total_available_amount": "0",
        "should_sub_amount": "0"
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
total string Total available balance, in string format
pay_list array Pay channel info
pay_list.pay_channel string Pay channel: balance means user balance, flexi_saving mean user balance in flexi saving
pay_list.total_available_amount string Total available amount in specific channel
pay_list.should_sub_amount string Should sub amount in specific channel

Trading Exchanges of Strategy

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
strategy_id string Y Unique identifier for the strategy
curl "
  "code": 0,
    "data": {
    "timestamp": 1721099400000,
      "exchanges": [
        "exchanges_name": "binance",
        "proportion": "0"
        "exchanges_name": "",
        "proportion": "1"
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
timestamp int Update time in millisecond
exchanges array Vendor trade exchange info
exchanges.exchanges_name string Specific exchange, eg deribit
exchanges.proportion int Exchange trade percentage in total Exchange Trade

Product Strategy

curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": [
      "strategy_id": "7213883605339463680",
      "icon_url": "",
      "name": [
          "id": "0",
          "created_at": 0,
          "updated_at": 0,
          "tag_id": "0",
          "language": "en-US",
          "name": "dnt"
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          "id": "0",
          "created_at": 0,
          "updated_at": 0,
          "tag_id": "0",
          "language": "en-US",
          "name": "A great product en"
      "intro_url": "",
      "intro_link": [
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          "created_at": 0,
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          "tag_id": "0",
          "language": "en-US",
          "name": "aaaa"
      "tags": null,
      "types": [],
      "intro_pic_resp": {
        "1": {
          "": [
              "id": "7214254807845298176",
              "created_at": 1720012380584,
              "updated_at": 1720513547427,
              "strategy_id": "7213883605339463680",
              "aggregated_product_id": "10",
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              "protection_type": 1,
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      "guidance": [
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      "icon_url": "",
      "name": [
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          "name": "续投提前1截止"
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          "language": "zh-TW",
          "name": "續投提偂1截芷"
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      "tags": null,
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          "name": "趨勢"
      "introduction": [
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          "created_at": 0,
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          "tag_id": "0",
          "language": "en-US",
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      "intro_link": [
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      "tags": null,
      "types": [
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      "intro_pic_resp": {
        "0": {
          "CALL": [
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              "created_at": 1720165034255,
              "updated_at": 1720513464296,
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          "i18n": [
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          "PUT": [
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              "url": "",
              "content_u": "",
              "content_coin": "",
              "group_id": "0"
      "guidance": [
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              "content": ""
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              "content": ""
              "language": "zh-TW",
              "content": ""
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          "item_i18n": [
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              "content": ""
              "language": "zh-CN",
              "content": ""
              "language": "zh-TW",
              "content": ""
    "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
strategy_id string Unique identifier for the strategy
icon_url string URL of strategy icons
name array Name of strategy
name.tag_id string Tag ID associated with TagI18n
name.language string Language Code string Strategy name in the specified language
introduction array Introduction of strategy
introduction.tag_id string Tag ID associated with the introduction
introduction.language string Language Code string Strategy introduction in the specified language
intro_url string URL associated with the strategy
intro_link array Introduction Url
intro_link.tag_id string Tag ID associated with the introduction link
intro_link.language string Language Code string URL link associated with the introduction
tags array Array of tags
tags.color string Color associated with the tag
tags.i18n.tag_id string Tag ID associated with the internationalization
tags.i18n.language string Language Code string Name of the tag in Product
types array Array of types
types.strategy_type int Type of strategy(bullish, bearish)
types.base_currency array Array containing base currencies associated with the strategy
intro_pic_resp object Different types of products, 1.NoProtectionType 2.Protection 3.Unprotected
guidance array Guidance of items
guidance.item_id string ID of the guidance item
guidance.item_i18n.language string Language Code
guidance.item_i18n.content string content associated with the guidance item

Product Homepagelist

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
strategy_id string Y Unique identifier for the strategy
type string Y Type of strategy direction
Possible values:
- CALL: Bullish strategy
- PUT: Bearish strategy
protection_type string Y Type of protection for the strategy
base_currency string Y Currency filter
Specifies the base currency for filtering strategies
(e.g., "BTC" for BTC-USDT pairs), empty string "" for all
invest_currency string N Investment currency filter
Specifies the investment currency for filtering strategies
(e.g., "BTC" or "USDT" for BTC-USDT pairs), empty string "" for all
curl ""
    "code": 0,
    "data": [
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                                    "name": "productlist-tw trend"
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                    "protection_apy": "0.005",
                    "zero_price_apy": "0.005",
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                    "min_user_apy": "0.005",
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    "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
strategy_id string Unique identifier for the strategy
items array Array containing multiple AggregatedProductItemWithStrategy objects
items.strategy_id string Unique identifier for the strategy array Name of product string Tag ID of the TagI18n object string Language Code string Name of product in specific language
items.tags array List of tags for the AggregatedProductItemWithStrategy object
items.tags.color string Color code
items.tags.i18n array I18n tag
items.tags.i18n.tag_id string Tag ID of the TagI18n object
items.tags.i18n.language string Language Code string Name of tag display on strategy in specific language
items.aggregated_product_id string Id of aggregated product
items.invest_currency string Currency used for investment
items.underlying string Underlying asset of the product
items.tracking_source string Source of tracking information for the product
items.type string Type of the product
items.term_mill string Term of the product in milliseconds
items.min_buy_per_order string Minimum purchase amount per order
items.max_buy_per_order string Maximum purchase amount per order
items.buy_step string Purchase step size
items.max_order_number_per_user string Maximum number of orders per user
items.max_buy_per_user string Maximum purchase amount per user
items.max_buy_product string Maximum purchase limit for the product
items.meta_id string Metadata ID of the product
items.vendor_id string Vendor ID of the product
items.base_currency string Base currency used for the product
items.quote_currency string Quote currency used for the product
items.is_fixed_maturity bool Indicates if the product has a fixed maturity
items.tenor string Tenor or duration of the product
items.is_redeemable bool Indicates if the product is redeemable
items.request_time string Time when the request was made
items.is_percentage_price bool Indicates if the price is percentage-based
items.yield_data_type int Type of yield data
items.display_ref_apy_type int Type of displayed reference APY
items.ref_apy string Reference APY value
items.display_price_type int Type of displayed price
items.display_price.tag_id string Tag ID
items.display_price.language string Languamax_buy_per_usermax_buy_per_userge Code string Name of the product
items.profit_spread_apy string Profit spread APY
items.done_profit_spread bool Indicates if profit spread is completed
items.strike_price string Strike price of the product
items.apy string APY (Annual Percentage Yield) of the product
items.take_profit_price string Take profit price range
items.protection_price string Protection price range
items.take_profit_apy string APY for take profit range
items.protection_apy string APY for protection range
items.zero_price_apy string APY for zero price range
items.low_price_apy string APY for low price range
items.high_price_apy string APY for high price range
items.max_user_apy string Maximum APY for users
items.min_user_apy string Minimum APY for users
items.expiry_date string Expiry date of the product

Product Currency List

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
strategy_id int Y Unique identifier for the strategy
protection_type int Y Protection type, 1: Protected 2:Unprotected
type string Y Type of protection for the strategy, CALL=Bullish, PUT=Bearish
curl ''
    "code": 0,
    "data": [
            "base_currency": "BTC",
            "tags": null,
            "min_annualized_yield": "0.0090",
            "max_annualized_yield": "2.5090",
            "protection_type": 0,
            "products": [
                    "type": "CALL",
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                    "mini_annualized_yield": "0.0090",
                    "max_annualized_yield": "2.5090",
                    "convertible": false
            "base_currency": "ETH",
            "tags": null,
            "min_annualized_yield": "0.0050",
            "max_annualized_yield": "2.5050",
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                            "created_at": 0,
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                            "language": "zh-CN",
                            "name": "趋势 看涨 ETH"
                            "id": "0",
                            "created_at": 0,
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                            "tag_id": "0",
                            "language": "zh-TW",
                            "name": "趨勢 看漲 ETH"
                    "base_currency": "ETH",
                    "invest_currency": "ETH",
                    "underlying": "ETH-USDT",
                    "mini_annualized_yield": "0.0050",
                    "max_annualized_yield": "2.5050",
                    "convertible": false
    "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
BaseCurrency string The base currency used, eg BTC, ETH
MiniAnnualizedYield string The minimum annualized yield across all products.
MaxAnnualizedYield string The maximum annualized yield across all products.
ProtectionType int The type of protection (NoProtectionType, Protection, Unprotected).
Products array List of currency items available.
Products.type string Product CALL or PUT array Product name details string Base currency string Currency used for investment string Underlying asset string Minimum annualized yield string Maximum annualized yield bool Indicates if the product is convertible

Product List

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
strategy_id string Y The ID of the strategy (string format).
type string Y Type of strategy (CALL for Bullish, PUT for Bearish, "" for no direction attribute).
protection_type int Y Type of protection (0:NoProtectionType, 1:Protection, 2:Unprotected).
base_currency string Y Filter by base currency (e.g., "BTC" for BTC-USDT). Leave empty ("") for all currencies.
invest_currency string Y Filter by investment currency (e.g., "BTC" or "USDT" for BTC-USDT). Leave empty ("") for all currencies.
curl ""
  "code": 0,
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            "protection_apy": "1.59770217475060704",
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            "min_user_apy": "1.59770217475060704",
            "expiry_date": 1721548800000
      "guidance": [
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            "content": ""
            "language": "zh-CN",
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            "content": ""
            "language": "zh-CN",
            "content": ""
            "language": "zh-TW",
            "content": ""
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
strategy_id string The unique identifier of the strategy
icon_url string Strategy icon url
name array Name of product
introduction array Introduction of Product
intro_url string URL related to the introduction
intro_link array URL link related to the product
intro_pic array Array of pictures used for introducing the product
aggregated_products array Array of aggregated products associated with the product array Name of Product
aggregated_products.is_redeemable bool Indicates if the product is redeemable
aggregated_products.expiry_date int Expiry date for certain products
aggregated_products.tenor string Tenor of the product for H5 display
aggregated_products.products array List of aggregated product items string Product name
aggregated_products.products.tags string Product tags
aggregated_products.products.aggregated_product_id string Product aggregated product id
aggregated_products.products.invest_currency string Currency used for investment
aggregated_products.products.underlying string Underlying pair
aggregated_products.products.tracking_source string Source of tracking
aggregated_products.products.type string Type of the product
aggregated_products.products.term_mill int Term in milliseconds
aggregated_products.products.min_buy_per_order string Minimum buy amount per order
aggregated_products.products.max_buy_per_order string Maximum buy amount per order
aggregated_products.products.buy_step string Step for buying
aggregated_products.products.max_order_number_per_user string Maximum order number per user
aggregated_products.products.max_buy_per_user string Maximum buy amount per user
aggregated_products.products.max_buy_product string Maximum buy product amount
aggregated_products.products.meta_id int Meta ID of the product
aggregated_products.products.vendor_id int Vendor ID associated with the product
aggregated_products.products.base_currency string Base currency
aggregated_products.products.quote_currency string Quote currency
aggregated_products.products.is_fixed_maturity bool Indicates if product has fixed maturity
aggregated_products.products.is_redeemable bool Indicates if the product is redeemable
aggregated_products.products.request_time int Time of request
aggregated_products.products.is_percentage_price bool Indicates if price is percentage-based
aggregated_products.products.yield_data_type string Type of yield data (1 for value, 2 for points)
aggregated_products.products.display_ref_apy_type int Type of display for reference APY
aggregated_products.products.ref_apy string Reference APY
aggregated_products.products.display_price_type int Type of display price (1 for protection price, 2 for strike price)
aggregated_products.products.profit_spread_apy string Profit spread APY
aggregated_products.products.done_profit_spread bool Indicates if profit spread is done
aggregated_products.products.strike_price string Strike price
aggregated_products.products.apy string Annual percentage yield (APY)
aggregated_products.products.take_profit_price string Take profit price
aggregated_products.products.protection_price string Protection price
aggregated_products.products.takeProfit_apy string Take profit APY
aggregated_products.products.protection_apy string Protection APY
aggregated_products.products.zero_price_apy string Zero price APY
aggregated_products.products.low_price_apy string Low price APY
aggregated_products.products.high_price_apy string High price APY [highPrice, inf)
aggregated_products.products.max_user_apy string Maximum user APY
aggregated_products.products.min_user_apy string Minimum user APY
aggregated_products.products.expiry_date int Expiry date
guidance array Array Guidance of the product

Product Detail

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
strategy_id int Y The ID of the strategy
aggregated_product_id int Y The aggregated product ID
type string Y Type of strategy (CALL for Bullish, PUT for Bearish).
invest_currency string Y Currency for investment.
underlying string Y Underlying asset pair.
strike_price int Y Strike price of the asset.
take_profit_price int Y Take profit price.
protection_price int Y Protection price.
term_mill int Y Term in milliseconds (string format).
tracking_source string Y Settlement index data source.
invest_amount int Y Amount invested. Set to 0 if not specified.
is_init_call bool Y Indicates if it's the initial call to the detail page.
coupon_apy_e8 int Y Coupon annual percentage yield (E8 format).
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Field Name Type Description
invest_currency string Currency used for investment.
underlying string Underlying asset of the product.
tracking_source string Source of tracking information.
type int Direction type of the product (custom type from core package).
term_mill string Term in milliseconds, represented as a string.
min_buy_per_order string Minimum buy amount per order.
max_buy_per_order string Maximum buy amount per order.
buy_step string Incremental step for buying.
max_order_number_per_user string Maximum number of orders per user.
max_buy_per_user string Maximum buy amount per user.
max_buy_product string Maximum buy amount for the product.
meta_id string Meta ID of the product, represented as a string.
vendor_id string Vendor ID of the product, represented as a string.
base_currency string Base currency used in pricing.
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ref_apy string Reference APY value.
display_price_type int Type of displayed price (custom type from core package).
profit_spread_apy string APY spread for profit calculations.
done_profit_spread bool Indicates if profit spread calculation is done.
strike_price string Strike price of the product.
apy string Annual percentage yield (APY) of the product.
take_profit_price string Price range for take profit (exclusive).
protection_price string Protection price of the product.
take_profit_apy string APY for take profit range.
protection_apy string APY for protection range.
zero_price_apy string APY for zero price range (inclusive).
low_price_apy string APY for low price range.
high_price_apy string APY for high price range.
max_user_apy string Maximum APY for users (used in sorting).
min_user_apy string Minimum APY for users (used in sorting).
expiry_date int Expiry date of the product.

Get Product Agreement

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
biz string Y business code
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Place Order

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
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Get Order Result

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
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Get Coupon

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Place Order Quote

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Order List

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
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            "name": "Early Settlement"
            "id": "0",
            "created_at": 0,
            "updated_at": 0,
            "tag_id": "0",
            "language": "zh-CN",
            "name": "提前结算"
            "id": "0",
            "created_at": 0,
            "updated_at": 0,
            "tag_id": "0",
            "language": "zh-TW",
            "name": "提前結算"
        "apy": "147.22%",
        "amount": "",
        "currency": "BTC"
      "settle_glossary": null,
      "payoff_enabled": true,
      "intro_pic": [
        "id": "7216006430321926145",
        "created_at": 1720429999908,
        "updated_at": 1720592007191,
        "owner_id": "3",
        "item_id": "0",
        "language": "en-US",
        "type": "CALL",
        "name": "price protection",
        "url": "",
        "content_u": "The order will be settled early and you will receive the partial principal ({baseCurrency}) + interest ({baseCurrency}) on the knock-in date.<br/>\nPartial Principal ({baseCurrency}) = Principal ({investCurrency}) * Observation Price on Day of Knock-In / Initial Price<br/>\nProfit ({baseCurrency}) = Principal * Holding Period * Reference APR / 365",
        "content_coin": "The order will be settled early and you will receive the partial principal ({baseCurrency}) + interest ({baseCurrency}) on the knock-in date.<br/>\nPartial Principal ({baseCurrency}) = Principal ({investCurrency}) * Observation Price on Day of Knock-In / Initial Price<br/>\nProfit ({baseCurrency}) = Principal * Holding Period * Reference APR / 365",
        "group_id": "0"
        "id": "7216006430321926146",
        "created_at": 1720429999908,
        "updated_at": 1720592007193,
        "owner_id": "3",
        "item_id": "0",
        "language": "zh-CN",
        "type": "CALL",
        "name": "product management cn call ",
        "url": "",
        "content_u": "product management c{settlementCurrency}n call content 1",
        "content_coin": "product management c{settlementCurrency}n call content 2",
        "group_id": "0"
        "id": "7216006430321926147",
        "created_at": 1720429999908,
        "updated_at": 1720592007194,
        "owner_id": "3",
        "item_id": "0",
        "language": "zh-TW",
        "type": "CALL",
        "name": "",
        "url": "",
        "content_u": "",
        "content_coin": "",
        "group_id": "0"
        "id": "7216009312874127360",
        "created_at": 1720430687171,
        "updated_at": 1720592007196,
        "owner_id": "3",
        "item_id": "0",
        "language": "en-US",
        "type": "CALL",
        "name": "",
        "url": "",
        "content_u": "",
        "content_coin": "",
        "group_id": "1"
        "id": "7216009312874127361",
        "created_at": 1720430687171,
        "updated_at": 1720592007198,
        "owner_id": "3",
        "item_id": "0",
        "language": "zh-CN",
        "type": "CALL",
        "name": "product management cn call_2",
        "url": "",
        "content_u": "product management cn call_2 content 1",
        "content_coin": "product management cn call_2 content 2",
        "group_id": "1"
        "id": "7216009312874127362",
        "created_at": 1720430687171,
        "updated_at": 1720592007200,
        "owner_id": "3",
        "item_id": "0",
        "language": "zh-TW",
        "type": "CALL",
        "name": "",
        "url": "",
        "content_u": "",
        "content_coin": "",
        "group_id": "1"
      "coupon_year_rate": 0,
      "underlying": "BTC-USDT",
      "base_currency": "BTC",
      "quote_currency": "USDT",
      "status": 200,
      "tenor": "1",
      "coupon_profit": "0",
      "coupon_tenor": "0",
      "converted": false,
      "convertible": false,
      "settled_amount": "0",
      "settled_currency": "",
      "settlement_time": 1721390400000,
      "settlement_price": "0",
      "settlement_apy": "0",
      "profit": "0",
      "redemption_date": 0,
      "maturity_time": 1721376000000,
      "transaction_price": "0",
      "redeemable": false,
      "need_auto_renew": true,
      "has_renew_to_product": false,
      "renew_state": 1,
      "renew_is_percentage_price": true,
      "renew_tenor": "1",
      "renew_coupon_id": "",
      "renew_coupon_apy": "0",
      "renew_strike_price": "0",
      "renew_take_profit_price": "0.03",
      "renew_protection_price": "-0.02",
      "renew_change_flag": 2,
      "renew_change_hour_ahead": 0
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
total int Total number of items
items array List of H5 order items
items.strategy_name array Name of the strategy
items.strategy_biz_name string Strategy Business name used for querying agreement
items.strategy_id string Strategy ID
items.aggregated_product_id string ID of the AggregatedProduct
items.meta_id string Meta ID
items.observe_type int Observation type (0=expiration settlement, 1=daily observation)
items.product_name array Name of the product
items.order_id string Order ID
items.user_id string User ID
items.vendor_id string Vendor ID
items.term_mill int Term in milliseconds
items.is_fixed_maturity bool Indicates if the order has fixed maturity
items.purchase_time int Purchase time
items.value_time_mill int Value time in milliseconds
items.expiration_time_mill int Expiration time in milliseconds
items.invest_amount string Investment principal
items.invest_currency string Investment currency
items.type string Type of order (BULL, BEAR)
items.display_price_type int Type of display price
items.share_price string Display price for share page (to be deleted)
items.ref_apy string Reference APY
items.yield_data_type int Yield data type
items.strike_price string Strike price
items.premium_amount int Premium amount
items.is_percentage_price bool Indicates if the price is percentage-based
items.take_profit_price string Take profit price
items.protection_price string Protection price
items.zero_price_apy string Zero price APY
items.low_price_apy string Low price APY
items.high_price_apy string High price APY
items.apy_points string APY points
items.settle_condition int Settlement conditions
items.settle_glossary int Glossary of settlement terms
items.payoff_enabled bool Indicates if payoff graph is enabled
items.intro_pic int Introduction pictures
items.coupon_year_rate int Annualized coupon yield rate (E8)
items.underlying string Underlying asset
items.base_currency string Base currency
items.quote_currency string Quote currency
items.status int Order status (230=settled, 250=fully redeemed settlement, 500=reinvestment ongoing, other=active)
items.tenor int Tenor [value time, maturity time]
items.coupon_profit int Coupon profit, settled in SettleCurrency
items.coupon_tenor int Coupon tenor [order time, coupon usage time]
items.converted bool Indicates if converted
items.settled_amount int Actual settlement amount
items.settled_currency string Actual settlement currency
items.settlement_time int Actual settlement time
items.settlement_price string Actual settlement price (exercise is possible only when the settlement price of the call option is greater than the bar)
items.settlement_apy string Settlement APY
items.profit int Profit, including coupon (not converted)
items.redemption_date int Redemption time Unix epoch millisecond, only when redeemed
items.maturity_time int Option maturity time
items.transaction_price string Final transaction price (converted)
items.redeemable bool Indicates if redeemable
items.need_auto_renew bool Indicates if automatic reinvestment is required
items.has_renew_to_product bool Indicates whether "reinvesting to the name of the next product" is displayed
items.renew_state int Renewal state used by H5 1=processing 2=successful 3=failure
items.display_price_type int Type of display price
items.renew_is_percentage_price bool Indicates if the price is percentage-based for renewal
items.renew_tenor string Renewal tenor (days)
items.renew_coupon_id string Renewal coupon ID
items.renew_coupon_apy string Renewal coupon APY
items.renew_strike_price string Renewal strike price
items.renew_take_profit_price string Renewal take profit price
items.renew_protection_price string Renewal protection price

Switch Renew

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
order_id string Y Redeem order id
need_auto_renew bool Y Need Renew or Not
curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "is_successful": true,
    "order_id": "7219335976999837697",
    "need_auto_renew": false,
    "renew_change_flag": 2
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "is_successful": true,
    "need_auto_renew": true,
    "order_id": "7219335976999837697",
    "renew_change_flag": 0
  "message": "string"
Parameter Name Type Description
is_successful bool Indicates if the switch operation was successful
order_id string The ID of the order
need_auto_renew bool Indicates if automatic renewal is needed for the order
renew_change_flag int Status of renewal in the information flow:
- 1: Renewal failed in information flow
- 2: Renewal successful in information flow

Renew Tenor

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
order_id string Y The ID of the order
curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": {
    "is_successful": true,
      "order_id": "7219597135057379328",
      "tenor": "1",
      "renew_change_flag": 2
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
tenor array List of tenor values
renew_change_flag int Status of renewal in the information flow:
- 1: Renewal information change disallowed
- 2: Renewal information change allowed

Renew Tenor

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
order_id string Y The ID of the order
tenor string Y The tenor value
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "is_successful": true,
    "order_id": "",
    "renew_change_flag": 0,
    "tenor": "string"
  "message": "string"
Parameter Name Type Description
is_successful bool Indicates if the SET operation was successful
order_id string The ID of the order
tenor string The tenor value
renew_change_flag int Status of renewal in the information flow:
- 1: Renewal information change disallowed
- 2: Renewal information change allowed

Renew Coupon

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
order_id string Y The ID of the order
coupon_id string Y The ID of the coupon
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "coupon_id": "string",
    "is_successful": true,
    "order_id": "",
    "renew_change_flag": 0,
    "renew_coupon_apy": "string"
  "message": "string"
Parameter Name Type Description
is_successful bool Indicates if the SET operation was successful
order_id string The ID of the order
coupon_id string The ID of the coupon
renew_coupon_apy string The coupon APY for renewal
renew_change_flag int Status of renewal in the information flow:
- 1: Renewal information change disallowed
- 2: Renewal information change allowed

Renew Price

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
order_id string Y The ID of the order
curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": {
    "display_price_type": 1,
      "is_percentage_price": true,
      "link_prices": [
        "linked_price": "",
        "strike_price": "0",
        "take_profit_price": "-0.03",
        "protection_price": "0.03"
        "linked_price": "",
        "strike_price": "0",
        "take_profit_price": "-0.01",
        "protection_price": "0.01"
        "linked_price": "",
        "strike_price": "0",
        "take_profit_price": "-0.1",
        "protection_price": "0.1"
      "renew_change_flag": 2
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
display_price_type int Type of display price:
- 1: Includes protection_price and take_profit_price fields
- 2: Price range
- 3: strike_price field
is_percentage_price bool Indicates if the price is a percentage
link_prices array List of linked prices
link_prices.linked_price string The linked price
link_prices.strike_price string The strike price (single price)
link_prices.take_profit_price string The take-profit price
link_prices.protection_price string The protection price
renew_change_flag int Status of renewal in the information flow:
- 1: Renewal information change disallowed
- 2: Renewal information change allowed

Renew Price

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
order_id int Y The ID of the order
strike_price string Y The strike price (single price)
take_profit_price string Y The take-profit price
protection_price string Y The protection price
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "display_price_type": 0,
    "is_percentage_price": true,
    "link_prices": [
        "linked_price": "string",
        "protection_price": "string",
        "strike_price": "string",
        "take_profit_price": "string"
    "renew_change_flag": 0
  "message": "string"
Parameter Name Type Description
is_successful bool Indicates if the operation was successful
order_id string Order ID
display_price_type int Type of display price:
- 1: Includes protection_price and take_profit_price fields
- 2: Price range
- 3: strike_price field
is_percentage_price bool Indicates if the price is a percentage
strike_price string The strike price (single price)
take_profit_price string The take-profit price
protection_price string The protection price
renew_change_flag int Status of renewal in the information flow:
- 1: Renewal information change disallowed
- 2: Renewal information change allowed

Renew Params

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
order_id string Y OrderID
curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": {
    "display_price_type": 1,
      "renew_is_percentage_price": true,
      "renew_tenor": "1",
      "renew_coupon_id": "",
      "renew_coupon_apy": "0",
      "renew_strike_price": "0",
      "renew_take_profit_price": "-0.01",
      "renew_protection_price": "0.01",
      "renew_change_flag": 2,
      "renew_change_hour_ahead": 0
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
display_price_type int Display price type: 1=protection_price and take_profit_price fields; 2=price range; 3=strike_price
renew_is_percentage_price bool Whether the renew prices are in percentage format
renew_tenor string Renew tenor in days (string format)
renew_coupon_id string Renew coupon ID
renew_coupon_apy string Renew coupon APY (string format)
renew_strike_price string Renew strike price (string format)
renew_take_profit_price string Renew take profit price (string format)
renew_protection_price string Renew protection price (string format)
renew_change_flag int Renew change flag: 1=Renew change disallowed, 2=Renew change allowed
renew_change_hour_ahead int Hours ahead of MaturityTime allowing to change renew params

Active Order Count

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
query_all bool Y Indicates if all strategies should be queried
strategy_id string Y The ID of the strategy
curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": {
    "total": 1,
      "all_total": 1
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
total int Total number of active orders
all_total int Total number of all orders

All Invest Currency

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
query_all bool Y Indicates if all strategies should be queried
strategy_id string Y The ID of the strategy
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": [
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
data array currency list

Total Position

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
strategy_id string Y The ID of the strategy
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "total_position": "337.05",
    "ask_price_status": 0
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
realized_pnl int Realized profit and loss
profit_rate int Profit rate
wining_rate int Winning rate
initial_principal_value int Initial principal value
non_converted int Non-converted profit and loss
converted int Converted profit and loss
cumulative_settlement int Cumulative settlement amount
total_pnl int Total profit and loss
no_settled_orders bool Indicates if there are no settled orders

Pnl New

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
strategy_id int Y The ID of the strategy. Use 0 to query all strategies.
curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": {
    "total_cnt": 4,
      "non_converted_pnl_resp": {
      "non_converted_cnt": 3,
        "non_conversion_ratio": "0.75",
        "initial_principal_value": "6700.04518",
        "cumulative_settlement": "6702.02701081",
        "average_tenor": "1",
        "apy": "0.10796468",
        "pnl": "1.98183081",
        "profit_rate": "0.00029579"
    "converted_pnl_resp": {
      "converted_cnt": 1,
        "conversion_ratio": "0.25",
        "converted_initial_principal_value": "100",
        "total_interest": "0.7764",
        "conversion_results": [
          "pair": "ETH-USDⓈ",
          "direction": 1,
          "amount": "0.02642932",
          "average_price": "3783.6766137",
          "pnl_rate": "-0.60356019"
        "converted_pnl": "-63.8067416030832",
        "converted_profit_rate": "-0.63806741",
        "top_orders": [
          "order_id": "7198941116690194432",
          "pair": "ETH-USDT",
          "type": "CALL",
          "transaction_price": "3783.67661370023897701492130709378826",
          "current_price": "1500",
          "price_diff_ratio": "-1.52245107580015931800994753806253",
          "direction": 1
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
total_cnt int Total count
non_converted_cnt int Non-converted count
non_conversion_ratio string Non-conversion ratio
initial_principal_value string Initial principal value
cumulative_settlement string Cumulative settlement
average_tenor int Average tenor in days
apy string Annual percentage yield (APY)
pnl string Profit and Loss (PnL)
profit_rate string Profit rate
converted_cnt string Converted count
conversion_ratio int Conversion ratio
converted_initial_principal_value string Initial principal value for converted PnL
total_interest string Total interest
conversion_results array Conversion results
conversion_results.pair string Currency pair
conversion_results.direction int Direction of the conversion (1=buy, 2=sell)
conversion_results.amount string Amount of currency exchanged
conversion_results.average_price string Average price of the exchange
conversion_results.pnl_rate int Profit and loss rate
conversion_results.buy_amount int Amount bought (internal use, not serialized)
conversion_results.sell_amount int Amount sold (internal use, not serialized)
conversion_results.usd_value int USD value of the conversion
converted_pnl int Profit and loss
converted_profit_rate int Profit rate
top_orders array top two orders by USD value; data for share page
top_orders.order_id string Order ID
top_orders.pair string Currency pair
top_orders.type string Type of order (BULL, BEAR)
top_orders.transaction_price string Transaction price
top_orders.current_price string Current price
top_orders.price_diff_ratio int Price difference ratio
top_orders.direction int Direction of the order (1=buy, 2=sell)
top_orders.value int Internal field (not serialized)

Invest Days

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
strategy_id int Y The ID of the strategy. Use 0 to query all strategies.
curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": "1.7",
    "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
data string User invest days in string format

All Strategy

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
strategy_id string Y The ID of the strategy
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": [
      "strategy_id": 3,
      "strategy_name": [
          "id": "18",
          "created_at": 1704123970366,
          "updated_at": 1720440567310,
          "strategy_id": "3",
          "language": "en-US",
          "name": "Snowball"
          "id": "16",
          "created_at": 1704123970366,
          "updated_at": 1720440567312,
          "strategy_id": "3",
          "language": "zh-CN",
          "name": "雪球"
          "id": "17",
          "created_at": 1704123970366,
          "updated_at": 1720440567314,
          "strategy_id": "3",
          "language": "zh-TW",
          "name": "雪球"
      "convert_type": 1
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
strategy_id int Strategy ID
strategy_name array Array of strategy product, eg snowball, trend
strategy_name.strategy_id string Strategy ID
strategy_name.language string Language Code string Strategy product name
convert_type int Conversion type: 1=Convertible, 2=Not Convertible

Strategy Type

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
strategy_id string Y The ID of the strategy
curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": {
    "strategy_type_items": [
        "base_currency": [
        "strategy_type": 1
        "base_currency": [
        "strategy_type": 2
  "message": "string"
Parameter Name Type Description
strategy_type_items array Array of strategy type items
strategy_type_items.strategy_type int Strategy type: 1=Call, 2=Put, 3=币双币, 4=U双币
strategy_type_items.base_currency array List of base currencies


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
vendor_id string Y The ID of the vendor
currency string Y The investment currency
amount string Y The amount
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": "string",
  "message": "string"

Order Renew Info

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
meta_name string Y The name of the meta
maturity_time int Y The maturity time
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "count": 1,
    "items": [
        "order_id": 7160938080294526976,
        "need_auto_renew": true,
        "renew_strike_price": "56000", 
        "renew_tenor": "7", 
        "renew_take_profit_price": "58780", 
        "renew_protection_price": "53200",
  "message": "string"
Parameter Name Type Description
count int Total count of items in the page
items array List of RenewOrdersResp items
items.order_id string Order ID (string format)
items.need_auto_renew bool Whether auto-renewal is needed
items.renew_strike_price string Renew strike price (string format)
items.renew_tenor string Renew tenor (string format)
items.renew_take_profit_price string Renew take profit price (string format)
items.renew_protection_price string Renew protection price (string format)

Error Codes

Return Codes Details
0 OK.
12160002 Inner Error.
12160007 Amount not balance when place order.
12160013 Quote Invalid
12160015 Quote not match.
12160016 Exceeds the maximum redeemable amount.
12160017 Redeem will make loss.
12160019 Redeem is not allowed one day before maturity.
12160021 Coupon Invalid.